More Auctoris

Making top class champions

Dedicated To Student Excellence

School premises

Breathtaking infrastructures and friendly environmental space for student dwelling


Offering best and quality education at affordable prices.

School Programs

Excellent school programs designed to help our students to be successful graduates

Track Record

Now possible to keep track of your child's activity while their at school by just a single tape

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Sport activities

The school also offers various sporting activities. These include Soccer, Volleyball, Athletics, Swimming, Tennis to mention a few. Our great teams of sports coach who working with their youngsters, train and work diligently, continuously reap the good results of their hard work as shown in the photo above.

Exceptional infrastructural facilities

In this section, you are going to find our gallery of all of he magnificent infrastructural facilities within our school premises.


On the academic side. the main site of this lovely institute, we offer quality education in most of the subjects in Zimbabwe. These subjects include Mathematics, English, Isindebele, Social Science and PE and VPA

Excellent hostels

The school's boarding hostels not only look good from outside, but also feel like home away from home on the inside. The hostels are all good looking safe and secure environment for child dwelling.


The school also has a large church facility to which every Sunday the children are taken to where they can learn about their Christian religious lessons.

Now incorporates girls

For some of you that may not be aware, the school, R.E.P.S, from it's establishment in the year of 1932, used to be a boys only. Now since the year of 2016, that has changed and now it is a mixed school. You can now take your little girl to that favorite school to which her brother(s) before her went to.

Making top class champions

Dedicated To Student Excellence

Making top class champions

Dedicated To Student Excellence

Opening Times

Our contact details

Physical Address:

RHODES ESTATE PREPARATORY SCHOOL (R.E.P.S) situated at Matopos research station, 29km from Bulawayo C.B.D.





+263 71 231 3242

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